
Not always perfect...

This summer, though only two weeks in, has been a very interesting dichotomy of emotions and experiences so far. Hidden in it are the layers of parenting and the complexity that that brings. One son is ready to make his move, the other has been diagnosed with Epilepsy…

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Matthew LandonComment
Year Two

In August I set an intention to not overthink things, at things things like photography and my work/life balance. I made a commitment to myself to get my school work done and then say to myself, “well, how do you feel?” If I felt good, I would go shoot.

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Matthew LandonComment
The worst heart to break is your own...

here is a duality in these locations that is so, so familiar; my hometown of Charlevoix is a tourist destination on the north shores of Lake Michigan, Estes Park, nestled in as the gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park, is every bit the equal of Charlevoix in its tourist attractions and souvenir purveyors. The Medicine Bow Mountains take me “up north, to the TRUE north…” The “UP,” Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.  The UP is a mythical place, remote and empty, vast and stunning at every turn. This is how the Medicine Bow is; a place that time has forgotten…

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Matthew LandonComment
Body of Evidence...

 So while it might be easy to "make" a black and white image, all this innovation doesn't necessarily make it a "great" image just because it is black and white.  An image still has to have composition, contrast, light, and good black and white qualities. 

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Matthew LandonComment