Anatomy of a Composition - Finding Fall (Aspens)
It’s hard to believe that we’re at the end of October. The beginning of the month was full of color and opportunity, and the second part of the month has slowed things down and left more time for reflection and other activities. It isn’t easy looking back without a tinge of remorse that I didn’t shoot more, or travel to some different destinations, but the timing just wasn’t right, and slowing down has been one of my bigger challenges the past few years so it seemed like a good time to practice just that.
This stand of Aspens on the Grand Mesa a good reminder of that simplicity - that it doesn’t always have to be big, and grand and over the top to be beautiful and perfect. A smaller, serene scene like this can bring just as much joy. And, when there are other obligations to fulfill around work and civic engagement, it’s just as important to show up to those when the time comes.
Just as a reminder, this year’s calendar is now available and they are ready to ship! It features a collection of shots taken each month from around Colorado to share the unique beauty of the state throughout the entire year. You can preview a Web Gallery for all of the images inside this year’s calendar.
October, 2021 - As always, thank you for the support and for joining me on this adventure.
For more thoughts on some of these images, and life’s other travails, head to
Finding Fall (Aspens) ISO 100 | F/4.5 | 1/160 sec. - single image - Sony a7riii and FE100-400GM ~ 100mm