Anatomy of a Composition - Stretching to Grow
The beginning of this school year has been a bit more hectic than some, which is surprising given that we started last year in such a sorry state. We were all hopeful that there would be a greater sense of normalcy this August, but human behavior being what it is we seem to be stuck between our alternatives.
Getting out to the sunflower fields hasn’t been as easy as I’d hoped, but the three nights I was able to get there yielded incredible results, especially the different images that were able to incorporate the old barn. But I’ll always take these sunsets, ethereal and without specific direction; drifting lazily across a great big sky. These are the moments that I most enjoy, as fleeting as they are. This is why I go out with a camera and bag and walk around or lay in the dirt and leaves to see these different views.
It has taken a long time to cast off some the impulsive behaviors, some of the behaviors that seemed constructive were actually destructive. In hindsight those moments need to be embraced, embraced for their faults and frailty, but also because they gave be the reason to stretch, to grow.
If you would like to see some of my work in person, I was able to put up more images at Banded Oak Brewing, in downtown Denver. Banded Oak is one of Denver’s finest micro-breweries. I has won Gold Medal at the Great American Beer Festival and is most known for their barrel-age technique. They have renovated the brewing area to accommodate more seating, and the amble wall space offers great natural light for viewing the different pieces of art. The tap-house is open 7-days a week, and is located at: 470 North Broadway, Denver CO
Follow the Banded Oak Web-Gallery link to view the work that is on display, and even though this image is not hanging at the gallery, I would be happy to create a large, custom print for you.
August, 2021 - As always, thank you for the support and for joining me on this adventure.
For more thoughts on some of these images, head over to
ISO 100 | F/1.8 | 1/60 sec. - 14mm - Sony a7riii & Sony FE 14GM - single image on a broad horizon