Anatomy of an Unobtrusive Morning
With Milky Way season starting a happy byproduct is mountain sunrises. The core becomes visible around 3:00 am and when combining the need to drive and then hike to get to dark skies, the morning is the next natural beauty to see.
From simple tones to dynamic light the mountain sunrise is a varied as it is beautiful. The intensity of these moments may be heightened simply by the lack of sleep and in the wake of a strenuous night. Regardless, being able to slow down time and witness the new light falling on the contours and textures of the land is so rewarding.
The change from the night sky where the broader sky wants to be the subject, to dawn, where the light itself is the subject is truly a revelation. The landscape at night is mostly silhouettes and borders, while in daylight we are drawn to the depth and detail that the sunlight and shadow reveal. Add in the complex geometry of a pair of mountains and a forest of Coniferous trees a tapestry unfolds making the detour absolutely worth the effort. It’s a scene that thousands of cars pass on a daily basis and a route the thousands will hike over the course of the summer. In this way the unobtrusive view can remain a secret if you’re simply focused on getting to a specific destination, but on this particular morning it was anything but that.
As always, thank you the support and for following along on the journey! Look to the YouTube channel soon for the latest time lapse!
unobtrusive mornings - Sony a7rv & FE/70-200 GM II - ISO 160 | F/8 | 1/640 sec ~ 100mm - a 14 image, 60MB panorama is available